Aptos Validator and Fullnode Install Guide
First Published August 26th, 2022
This is a guide for setting up a validator and a full node for the Third Aptos Incentivized Testnet (AIT-3). This guide covers the installation and configuration methods needed for Docker. If you are interested in node monitoring please look at our Aptos Node Monitoring Guide.
A Testnet on any blockchain can be a very fluid situation and code, processes, and techniques can rapidly evolve. We will take steps to keep this guide updated with critical changes, however we can not promise that this will be up to date at all times. Furthermore, once AIT-3 is complete, this guide will likely be irrelevant. Please leave comments if you have questions!
The first step is to create a validator, then you can create a fullnode and attach the fullnode to your validator. It is highly recommended that you run the validator and fullnode on separate servers. If you try and run both on the same server you will need to adjust for port collisions and you may have severe performance degradation due to heavy resource loads.
A Note on Aptos Keys
Aptos has a truly unique key architecture which allows for very flexible configurations. There are three primary keys Owner, Voter, and Operator. A validator requires all three of these keys, however each key can be controlled by separate entities. This represents the simplest case of an independently operated validator that is staking its own tokens.
The purpose and scope of this guide is to get operators up and running in AIT3 as simply and quickly as possible, so we will only cover the simple case discussed above. We have provided two more complex key configurations for your reference:
A slightly more complex key configuration is that of an Investor and an Operator. In this case an Investor has hired a third party to operate a validator on their behalf. In this case, an investor would own their own Aptos coins and would generate and control the owner and voter keys, never sharing any private keys with their operator. The operator would then generate their own operator key, never sharing their private keys with their Investor client.
The most complex key configuration is that of an Investor, Voter, and Operator. In this case three independent parties each control one of the three keys and never share their private keys among the group.
For both complex cases, setup and configuration of a validator requires coordination between all parties and is more complex than the simple case.
We strongly recommend that you run your node from a cloud provider or from a data center. Under no circumstances should you attempt to run a node from your home. The vast majority of homes do not have redundant power and internet connectivity, which means that it is likely that your node will be disconnected from the network at some point in time and you will not earn rewards.
A Quick Note on Cloud Providers
Generally speaking the major cloud providers such as AWS, Google (GCP), and Azure are heavily used by validators across the entire cryptoverse. Feel free to use a major provider, but in the interest of decentralization we ask you to consider a mid-tier cloud provider such as VULTR, OVH, Contabo, Digital Ocean, MEVSPACE, or Linode.
Hardware Requirements
As of the time of this writing, the hardware requirements for AIT-3 have noticeably increased from AIT-2. Please check the official documentation for the most up to date information.
- CPU: 8 cores 2.8GHz or faster (Intel Xeon Skylake or newer).
- Memory: 23GiB RAM.
- At least 300GB SSD (2TB NVMe is preferred)
Operating System
This guide has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.
User Permissions
This guide is designed to run from the root
user. Generally speaking running any production processes from the root
user is a bad idea. If you decide to run Aptos from a non-root user (which we recommend) then you will likely need to modify the directory structures in the docker-compose.yaml
and fullnode.yaml
files to point to the appropriate user directories.
Install the Petra Wallet Extension
Visit the Petra Wallet extension page and install the plugin. Then generate a new wallet and write down and save your mnemonic key.
Alternatively, you can follow the official install instructions:
Now that the wallet is created you can close it and move on to the next section. You will need to go back to your wallet later in this process.
Initial Setup for Validator
Start by launching a server for your validator.
Once you have logged into your Ubuntu 20.04 virtual server as root, the first step is to update your OS and install packages:
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install libssl-dev -y && sudo apt-get install fail2ban -y && sudo apt-get install jq -y && sudo apt-get install zip unzip
You will see some purple screens pop up every now again. Just press the ENTER
Install Docker
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu focal stable"
apt-cache policy docker-ce
sudo apt install docker-ce -y
Now check the status of the docker service to ensure that it installed correctly
sudo systemctl status docker
Install Docker Compose
sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.29.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Check the version of Docker Compose to ensure that it installed correctly. As long as you do not get an error message, it worked.
docker-compose --version
Validator Setup
First, open your firewall so that the node can pass health checks. For this walkthrough we are using UFW (Uncomplicated FireWall). Press Y
when prompted to restart the firewall.
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 6180
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 6181
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 8080
sudo ufw enable
Then, decide what you will name your node. You will then replace <node name> with your node name and run the commands below.
export WORKSPACE=testnet
export USERNAME=<node name>
mkdir ~/$WORKSPACE
Here is an example of what the commands would be if you named your node “kingfisher
export WORKSPACE=testnet
export USERNAME=kingfisher
mkdir ~/$WORKSPACE
Download docker-compose and validator yaml files
wget -qO docker-compose.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/main/docker/compose/aptos-node/docker-compose.yamlwget -qO validator.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/main/docker/compose/aptos-node/validator.yaml
Edit the docker-compose.yaml
and modify the docker image from testnet
to testnet_88f936bf40a56768e2dac420e953a0307281c1ba
cd ~/$WORKSPACEnano docker-compose.yaml
Download and unzip the precompiled Aptos CLI tool
wget https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/releases/download/aptos-cli-v0.3.2/aptos-cli-0.3.2-Ubuntu-x86_64.zipunzip aptos-cli-0.3.2-Ubuntu-x86_64.zip
Generate your Aptos validator keys
./aptos genesis generate-keys --output-dir ~/$WORKSPACE/keys
Validator Config
Set the validator configuration. You will need to change the --validator-host
and --full-node-host
to be either the external IP of each server, or a domain name that is mapped to each server’s IP address.
If you are not running a full node, then remove the --full-node-host
line in the set-validator-configuration
With Fullnode
./aptos genesis set-validator-configuration \
--local-repository-dir ~/$WORKSPACE \
--username $USERNAME \
--owner-public-identity-file ~/$WORKSPACE/keys/public-keys.yaml\
--validator-host <validator_external_IP_or_domain>:6180 \
--full-node-host <fullnode_external_IP_or_domain>:6182 \
--stake-amount 100000000000000
Without Fullnode
./aptos genesis set-validator-configuration \
--local-repository-dir ~/$WORKSPACE \
--username $USERNAME \
--owner-public-identity-file ~/$WORKSPACE/keys/public-keys.yaml\
--validator-host <validator_external_IP_or_domain>:6180 \
--stake-amount 100000000000000
Generate the layout template
./aptos genesis generate-layout-template --output-file ~/$WORKSPACE/layout.yaml
Edit the layout.yaml file
nano ~/$WORKSPACE/layout.yaml
Then change the root_key:
to “
Now change the users:
to [“<node-name”]
. In the previous example we used kingfisher
as our node name.
Then change the chain_id:
parameter to 47
To exit nano: press CTL + X
then press Y
then press ENTER
Check your layout.yaml file one more time
cat ~/$WORKSPACE/layout.yaml
It should look like this:
Download the Move Smart Contract Framework:
wget https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/releases/download/aptos-framework-v0.3.0/framework.mrb -P ~/$WORKSPACE
Now, initialize your owner profile
./aptos init --profile ait3-owner --rest-url http://ait3.aptosdev.com
You will be prompted for a faucet address, type skip
and press ENTER
. Then you will be asked for your private wallet key.
Go to the Petra Wallet -> Settings -> Credentials
Then click on your private key. NEVER SHARE THIS KEY WITH ANYONE or they can hijack your wallet.
Now paste the wallet private key into the command prompt and press ENTER
Initialize Stake Owner
First you will need to locate your operator-address
and your voter-address
To find operator address:
cat ~/$WORKSPACE/$USERNAME/operator.yaml
Copy the address for operator_account_address:
To find voter address:
cat ~/$WORKSPACE/$USERNAME/owner.yaml
Copy the address for voter_account_address:
Now replace <operator-address> and <voter-address> with your addresses in the following command, then execute it. This will bind the operator address and the voter address to your private owner key.
./aptos stake initialize-stake-owner \
--initial-stake-amount 100000000000000 \
--operator-address <operator-address> \
--voter-address <voter-address> \
--profile ait3-owner
Create Operator Account
Find your operator_account_address
(different than the account you used in the previous step).
cat ~/$WORKSPACE/$USERNAME/operator.yaml
Replace the <operator-account>
with operator_account_address
in the following command and then execute it.
./aptos account create --account <operator-account> --profile ait3-owner
Now transfer some gas money into this account, do not forget to update the <operator-account>
in this command
./aptos account transfer \
--account <operator-account> \
--amount 10000 \
--profile ait3-owner
Bootstrap the Validator
The next step is to download the waypoint.txt
and genesis.blob
cd ~/$WORKSPACEwget -qO genesis.blob https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aptos-labs/aptos-ait3/main/genesis.blobwget -qO waypoint.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aptos-labs/aptos-ait3/main/waypoint.txt
Now you need to update your validator-identity.yaml
file by replacing the account_address
with your Petra wallet address. You can find the address at the top of the Home menu, or in Settings->Credentials.
cd ~/$WORKSPACE/keysnano validator-identity.yaml
Replace the account_address:
in the yaml file with the wallet address of your Petra wallet.
To exit nano: press CTL + X
then press Y
then press ENTER
Join the Validator Set
Copy your account_private_key
cat ~/$WORKSPACE/keys/private-keys.yaml
Initialize your operator profile
./aptos init --profile ait3-operator --rest-url http://ait3.aptosdev.com
You will be prompted for a faucet address, type skip
and press ENTER
. Then you will be asked for your account_private_key
Now paste the account_private_key
into the command prompt and press ENTER
Check the balance of the operator account.
./aptos account list --profile ait3-operator
If you do not have funds, then send some from your owner account into your operator account.
You will need your Petra wallet address for the next few commands. You can find the address at the top of the Home menu, or in Settings->Credentials.
Replace <owner-address>
in the command below with your Petra wallet address and then execute the command.
./aptos node update-validator-network-addresses \
--pool-address <owner-address> \
--operator-config-file ~/$WORKSPACE/$USERNAME/operator.yaml \
--profile ait3-operator
Replace <owner-address>
in the command below with your Petra wallet address and then execute the command.
./aptos node update-consensus-key \
--pool-address <owner-address> \
--operator-config-file ~/$WORKSPACE/$USERNAME/operator.yaml \
--profile ait3-operator
Replace <owner-address>
in the command below with your Petra wallet address and then execute the command.
./aptos node join-validator-set \
--pool-address <owner-address> \
--profile ait3-operator \
--max-gas 4000
Check the chain to see if your node has been added to the wait list to join the active set. Your validator will be added to the set at the beginning of the next epoch. This wait can take up to 2 hours.
To check only your validator, replace <account_address>
./aptos node show-validator-set --profile ait3-operator | jq -r '.Result.active_validators' | grep <account_address>
To see the entire queue
./aptos node show-validator-set --profile ait3-operator | jq -r '.Result.pending_active'
Launch your Validator
Launch your validator with the following commands
cd ~/$WORKSPACEsudo docker-compose up -d
Check Docker Logs
sudo docker logs -f testnet_validator_1 --tail 60
Setup Complete!
Now you can add node monitoring by following our Aptos Node Monitoring Guide.
Initial Setup for Fullnode
Start by launching a server for your fullnode.
Once you have logged into your Ubuntu 20.04 virtual server as root, the first step is to update your OS and install packages:
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install fail2ban -y && sudo apt-get install jq -y && sudo apt-get install zip unzip
You will see some purple screens pop up every now again. Just press the ENTER
Install Docker
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -ycurl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu focal stable"apt-cache policy docker-ce
sudo apt install docker-ce -y
Now check the status of the docker service to ensure that it installed correctly
sudo systemctl status docker
Install Docker Compose
sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.29.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Check the version of Docker Compose to ensure that it installed correctly. As long as you do not get an error message, it worked.
docker-compose --version
Fullnode Setup
You will need to run through the Initial Setup for Validator and Fullnode at the top of this walkthrough. After initial setup is complete, then come back to this section.
Firewall Config
Open your firewall so that the node can pass health checks. For this walkthrough we are using UFW (Uncomplicated FireWall). Press Y
when prompted to restart the firewall.
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 6181
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 6182
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 8080
sudo ufw enable
Set up your workspace directory
export FULLNODENAME=<fullnode name>
export WORKSPACE=testnet
mkdir ~/$WORKSPACE
Download and unzip the precompiled Aptos CLI tool
wget https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/releases/download/aptos-cli-v0.3.2/aptos-cli-0.3.2-Ubuntu-x86_64.zipunzip aptos-cli-0.3.2-Ubuntu-x86_64.zip
Download Fullnode config files
wget -qO docker-compose-fullnode.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/main/docker/compose/aptos-node/docker-compose-fullnode.yamlwget -qO fullnode.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/main/docker/compose/aptos-node/fullnode.yaml
Edit the docker-compose-fullnode.yaml
and modify the docker image from testnet
to testnet_88f936bf40a56768e2dac420e953a0307281c1ba
cd ~/$WORKSPACEnano docker-compose.yaml
Update the fullnode.yaml
file and replace <Validator IP Address> with your validator’s IP address (do not use a domain name if you have one).
sudo nano fullnode.yaml
To exit nano: press CTL + X
then press Y
then press ENTER
Generate your Aptos Fullnode keys
./aptos genesis generate-keys --output-dir ~/$WORKSPACE/keys
Download the waypoint.txt
and genesis.blob
cd ~/$WORKSPACEwget -qO genesis.blob https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aptos-labs/aptos-ait3/main/genesis.blobwget -qO waypoint.txt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aptos-labs/aptos-ait3/main/waypoint.txt
The next step is to copy validator-full-node-identity.yaml
from your validator over to your fullnode. You want to overwrite this file on your Fullnode.
From Validator
To Fullnode
Connect your Fullnode to your Validator
Replace the Validator IP and Fullnode IP with the appropriate IPs and then execute the following command.
./aptos genesis set-validator-configuration \
--local-repository-dir ~/$WORKSPACE \
--username $FULLNODENAME \
--owner-public-identity-file ~/$WORKSPACE/keys/public-keys.yaml\
--validator-host <YOUR_VALIDATOR_IP>:6180 \
--stake-amount 100000000000000 \
--full-node-host <YOUR_FULLNODE_IP>:6182
Launch your Fullnode
Launch your Fullnode with the following commands
cd ~/$WORKSPACEcp docker-compose-fullnode.yaml docker-compose.yamlsudo docker-compose up -d
Check Docker Logs
sudo docker logs -f testnet_fullnode_1 --tail 60